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Tips to Help Ensure Your SSDI Application is Successful


If you have suffered a disability and cannot work for one year or more, you may qualify for Social Security disability benefits (SSDI). Unfortunately, the Social Security Administration (SSA) only approves a very small percentage of the applications they receive every year. If you need to apply for SSDI, the following tips will help ensure your application is successful.

Get Help with Your Application

Many SSDI applications are denied simply because the application was not filled out correctly. Individuals may not completely fill out their paperwork, or they may not submit their paperwork on time. These are just two of the application errors that will result in a denial. If you need help with your application, speak to someone at your local SSA office or even a family member that has gone through the process.

Keep Up With All Medical Treatments

All disability claims are evaluated based on the medical records of the applicant. This includes a supporting statement from the applicant’s doctor. As such, it is crucial that you attend all medical appointments and that you regularly see a doctor for ongoing treatments during the months, or even years, before you apply for disability benefits. If you do not do this, you may not have the medical documentation you need to support your claim, and it may be difficult to get the supporting statement you need from a doctor.

Take Your Prescriptions

Along with making sure you attend all of your doctor’s appointments, it is just as important that you take all of your medical prescriptions. If you fail to do so, it could also hurt your disability claim because the SSA may think you are not that disabled if you are not taking the proper medication for your condition. Many people do not take their medication because they cannot afford it. Regrettably, an administrative law judge may not be sympathetic to this fact during your hearing.

Be Polite

It may sound obvious, but you must always remain polite any time you are speaking with the SSA, Disability Determination Services (DDS), or anyone else that can affect your claim. There are likely going to be times when you become frustrated over the movement (or lack of it) on your claim. There may be a long wait, or an office may misplace your paperwork. However, losing your temper or acting rudely towards individuals will not do you any good and in fact, it could really hurt your claim. Always maintain good relations with anyone working your case, and your claim will benefit from it.

Contact a Pennsylvania Social Security Disability Lawyer

It is a sad but true fact that your claim is likely going to be denied, at least initially. A Scranton Social Security disability lawyer can assist with your appeal, your disability hearing, and anything else you may face throughout the process. At Haggerty, Hinton & Cosgrove, LLP, we have the experience necessary to help you with your claim from beginning to end. We can assist you when you are filling out your initial application to ensure it is complete and accurate, will ensure you meet all deadlines, and can help with all aspects of your claim. Call us today at 570-344-9845 or contact us online so we can get started on your case.


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