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Scranton Personal Injury Lawyer Haggerty Hinton & Cosgrove LLP
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Scranton Back Injury Lawyer

Your back is one of the most important parts of your whole body, and when an injury to the back occurs, the entire body can be affected as such. Indeed, back pain can be so debilitating that it leaves a worker unable to perform their regular course of work, and could even be impairing long-term.

At the law office of Haggerty Hinton & Cosgrove LLP, our Scranton back injury lawyers want to help you recover the compensation you deserve if you’ve injured your back in a workplace accident. Please call our law office today for your free consultation.

Causes of Back Injuries in the Workplace

Back injuries in the workplace may be caused by a number of different activity and accident types. Some of the most common causes of back injuries include:

  • Bad posture – Maintaining bad posture for a prolonged amount of time can lead to back pain and injury. Workers in a variety of industry types may suffer from posture-related back pain.
  • Heavy lifting – Lifting or moving heavy objects can put a lot of strain on the back. This can lead to a herniated disc injury, back sprain or strain injury, or another acute injury type.
  • Repetitive motions – Continually doing the same thing over and over (like moving an object, even if it’s light), can lead to a repetitive stress injury.
  • Acute accident – Of course, workers in certain industries are at an increased risk of acute accidents that can lead to immediate back injuries, including slip and fall accidents, motor vehicle accidents, equipment-related accidents, being struck by object-related accidents, and more.

Workers’ Compensation after a Back Injury in Scranton

If you suffer an injury to your back while you are on the job that is serious enough to require medical care and keep you from returning to work immediately, you may be able to recover compensation by filing a claim for workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ compensation insurance is designed to pay for injuries that occur during the course of employment, and the coverage type does notrequire that workers prove fault in order to recover benefits. Most employers throughout Scranton are required to carry this compensation type.

Workers’ compensation insurance pays for all of an injured workers’ necessary and reasonable medical expenses, as well as a portion of their lost wages depending upon the number of days that the worker is unable to return to work and the extent of disability. Workers must prove that their injury occurred on the job and as a direct result of their work-related activities in order to recover compensation.

Call Our Scranton Back Injury Lawyers Today

There is no doubt that a back injury can be painful, impairing, and worrisome for workers in Scranton. If your back injury was sustained while you were working, you may be eligible for workers’ compensation insurance.

Our Scranton workers’ compensation lawyers can help you to file your claim for benefits and maximize your award. Please call our law firm today for a free consultation and more information about your legal options.

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