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FDA Finds Link Between Breast Implants and Cancer


It was in early February 2019 that the Food and Drug Administration released a report stating they had found a link between breast implants and cancer. According to the report, 457 currently suffer from a rare type of cancer known as breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). The cancer is not breast cancer, but non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that attacks the immune system. So far, 16 people around the world have died, with nine being from the United States.

Anyone that has received a breast implant needs to understand the symptoms of BIA-ALCL, and know where to turn for help if they were negatively affected by the implants.

Symptoms of BIA-ALCL

Symptoms of the disease vary widely from case to case, but the FDA has found some more common than others. These include:

  • Pain
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Lumps
  • Fluid buildup
  • Swelling in the neck, armpit, or groin
  • Redness

Most symptoms are often first noticed by women and not medical professionals. This is why it’s so important for women to monitor their implants regularly. Early treatment is essential for any type of cancer, so it’s important women know the signs to watch for and report anything unusual or painful to their doctor.

BIA-ALCL Lawsuits

Since 2018, the number of BIA-ALCL lawsuits has been rising. Anyone in Pennsylvania that develops the disease in the future should understand they can file a lawsuit as well.

Under Pennsylvania’s negligence laws, manufacturers are responsible for ensuring their products are safe to use for all consumers. If there is a flaw in the design or manufacturing of the product, this is considered negligence in the eyes of the law. If the manufacturer failed to warn of the risks associated with using the product, as Mentor did in 2018, this is also considered negligence.

Those diagnosed with this form of cancer can also possibly file a lawsuit against their doctor. Doctors are also responsible for discussing treatment options, as well as risks, with their patients. This is so that patients can make an informed decision about their own health. When they don’t have all the information, they can’t make a reasonable decision.

Women may not wish to file a lawsuit if they’ve just been diagnosed with cancer, or are currently undergoing the aggressive and invasive treatments for the disease. However, filing a lawsuit can help make the situation right. A personal injury lawsuit can hold the manufacturers of these dangerous products responsible, and can provide compensation for the very costly treatments cancer requires.

While women affected by this disease have just started filing these lawsuits, the future will likely see many more. Over the past 20 years, over five million women have used Mentor breast implants alone.

Contact Our Scranton Product Liability Lawyers for Help with Your Case

Manufacturers have a responsibility to the customers they serve. If they fail to meet those responsibilities, countless people can become injured. When that happens, a Scranton personal injury lawyer can help.

If you have used any type of breast implant and believe you’re now suffering from a life-changing and debilitating disease such as cancer, contact Haggerty, Hinton, & Cosgrove, LLP at (570) 343-9731. We know how to hold manufacturers liable for their actions, and we want to fight for you. Don’t let them get away with it. Call us today.



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