Do You Need a Lawyer to Write a Will?

It’s a question many people have when planning for the future and trying to ensure their affairs are in order. Do you really need a lawyer to write a will? Particularly in Pennsylvania, where even handwritten wills are considered legal? Won’t you save a great deal of money by doing it on your own?
It’s true. In this day and age of being able to simply hop online and get basic instructions for writing a will, it’s entirely possible for people to do it on their own. It’s important to remember though, that just because you can do something, doesn’t always necessarily mean that you should. Below are just a few reasons why you want to hand off the task of writing your will to a Pennsylvania estate planning attorney.
A Will is Just One Piece of the Puzzle
One of the biggest reasons you should hire an attorney to draft your will is because it’s just one piece of the larger estate planning puzzle. Wills and estate plans are not the same thing, regardless of how often the two terms are used interchangeably. While an estate plan is an entire set of legal documents outlining your wishes in the case of death or disability, a will is just one of those documents. An attorney can help ensure you’re fully prepared for the future.
Save Money
One of the biggest reasons people choose to DIY their will is because they think it will save them money in attorney fees. However, not using an estate planning lawyer can end up costing a person’s estate thousands in professional fees, court costs, and taxes. An attorney will understand what questions to ask, and will help you secure the maximum tax and financial benefits available.
Creating a Will is Difficult
When people think about writing a will, they often only think of the basics. This usually includes who will get custody of the children, and who will inherit certain assets. There is so much more to writing a will, though. It becomes complicated very quickly, and one small mistake could undo all of your hard work. If there is one error in your will, a judge may throw it out, leaving your estate still vulnerable to the decisions of the court. An attorney will ensure this doesn’t happen so that your wishes are upheld.
Your Will is Going to Change
One of the only constants in life is change. When one of these changes occurs and a person passes away, someone is born, or there’s another major life change, your will also must be changed. An attorney will remind you of these changes and that you need to update your will. In addition, they’ll handle the task of doing it so you’re not DIY-ing your will for several years to come.
Don’t DIY, Call a Pennsylvania Estate Planning Lawyer
While it is possible to draft your will on your own, it’s always better to leave the job to a Scranton estate planning, probate & trust administration attorney. If you want to start planning for your future, don’t take chances with it. Contact us at Haggerty, Hinton, & Cosgrove, LLP at 570-344-9845. We can help with all the aspects of your estate plan and ensure you have a will that will stand up in court. Call us or fill out our online form for more information about how we can help.