Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Applying or Receiving SSDI? Stay Off Social Media
The Trump administration and the Social Security Administration (SSA) are currently working on a new law that could have serious ramifications for anyone applying for, or currently receiving, Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits. The law, if passed, would increase monitoring of the social media profiles used by those applying for or receiving SSDI… Read More »

Wrongful Death and Survival Claims in Pennsylvania
When a loved one passes away, it leaves surviving family members in shambles. Loved ones are not only grieving, they are also dealing with other aspects of the loss such as how they will make up for the lost income, and the loss of contribution to the household. In the best of circumstances, it’s… Read More »

Understanding Pennsylvania’s Inheritance Tax
Recently AOL released a story titled “Best states to die in…for taxes,” outlining the states where it is most costly for loved ones left behind when someone passes away. The story focused largely on the inheritance tax, which applies in Pennsylvania as well as five other states. What is this inheritance tax? How much… Read More »

Frightening Facts About Johnson & Johnson Every Consumer Should Know
For years Johnson & Johnson has faced allegations and lawsuits that some of their products cause cancer. The company has always denied such accusations, but in February they disclosed that federal regulators had questions about the baby products sold by the manufacturing giant. The problem for Johnson & Johnson is a big one. It’s… Read More »

SSDI vs. SSI: What’s the Difference?
Those that are unable to work still need to cover the costs of day-to-day living. To do this, they often hear terms such as “SSDI” and “SSI”. These are possible options that can help disabled individuals with their expenses. What are these terms, though? What do they mean, and how are they different? Most… Read More »

Can I Choose My Own Doctor if I’m Injured at Work?
In Pennsylvania the workers’ compensation system allows most workers injured on the job to receive insurance benefits to cover the costs of their injury. There are though, many requirements and procedures injured employees must follow. Likewise, there are just as many questions surrounding these procedures. One of these, and one of the most complicated,… Read More »

Living Wills, Advanced Directives, and Why They’re Important
When most people think of estate planning, they often think the only thing they need to do is create a will. This is a very important step of estate planning, as it allows someone to retain control over their assets, child custody, and other important factors upon their death. However, wills are not the… Read More »

FDA Finds Link Between Breast Implants and Cancer
It was in early February 2019 that the Food and Drug Administration released a report stating they had found a link between breast implants and cancer. According to the report, 457 currently suffer from a rare type of cancer known as breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). The cancer is not breast cancer,… Read More »

Contesting a Will in Pennsylvania
A last will and testament can sometimes cause disagreements within a family. There are times though, that those disputes go further than just simple squabbling. Someone may argue that the will is actually invalid and wish to contest it. In Pennsylvania, this is a possibility. However, those wishing to contest a will must fulfill… Read More »

Workers’ Compensation and Third Party Claims
The line between workers’ compensation claims and personal injury lawsuits is sometimes blurry. When injured on the job, most people automatically think they must go through workers’ compensation in order to claim benefits. However, this isn’t always the case. When a third party has caused the accident that resulted in injury, the employee can… Read More »